Örnek Bir ERP Proje Planı
Bu yazıda ERP devlerinden SAP’nin önerdiği bir proje planı örneği incelenmektedir. Bu proje planı, SAP’nin bir metodolojisi olan ASAP (Accelerated SAP) kapsamında 9 aylık bir proje sürecini kapsamaktadır. Bu yazıda ele alınmayan ve daha hızlı (kısa) süreçlere yönelik olarak 6 aylık bir proje planı daha mevcuttur. Proje planı incelenirken, sadece 3 seviyeye kadar olan temel süreçler ele alınmıştır. Sayfalar tutan 4. seviyedeki detay süreçler, süreleri, kaynakları, süreç öncelikleri ve her aşamada kullanılması gereken tüm dokümanlar bu yazıda anlatılmamıştır. 5 temel fazdan oluşan proje planının bu haliyle bile tipik bir ERP proje planında olması gereken genel aşamaları gösterdiğini ve konuyla ilgilenenler tarafından incelenmesi gerektiğini düşünüyoruz.
Özgünlüğünün bozulmaması amacıyla İngilizce olarak verdiğimiz proje planında, SAP’ye özgü terimlerden IMG’nin anlamını, uyarlama çalışmaları olarak verebiliriz.
Proje organizasyonundan bahsedilen aşamalarda ise, yine SAP’nin önerdiği değişik proje organizasyon modelleri mevcuttur. Kullanıcıya sadece bu organizasyonlardan birini seçmek ya da kendi yapısına uyarlamak kalmıştır.
01.01.00 Initial Project Planning
01.01.01 Create and Issue Project Charter
01.01.02 Review and Refine Implementation Strategy
01.01.03 Establish Project Team Working Environment
01.01.04 Determine Project Organization
01.01.05 Prepare Project Plan
01.01.06 Create Project Team Training Plan
01.02.00 Project Procedures
01.02.01 Define Project Management Standards and Procedures
01.02.02 Define Implementation Standards and Procedures
01.02.03 Define System Landscape Strategy
01.03.00 Project Kickoff
01.03.01 Kickoff Meeting
01.03.02 Project Team Standards Meeting
01.04.00 Technical Requirements Planning
01.04.01 Identify Technical Requirements
01.04.02 Procure Hardware
01.05.00 Quality Check Project Preparation Phase
01.05.01 Perform Quality Check and Obtain Approval
02.01.00 Project Management Business Blueprint Phase
02.01.01 Conduct Project Team Status Meetings
02.01.02 Conduct Steering Committee Meetings
02.01.03 General Project Management
02.02.04 Project Team Training Business Blueprint Phase
02.02.05 Conduct Project Team Training
02.03.00 Develop System Environment
02.03.01 Create Technical Design
02.03.02 Setup Development Environment
02.03.03 Initial Set Up of System Landscape
02.03.04 Systems Administration
02.03.05 Initialize IMG
02.04.00 Business Organization Structure
02.04.01 Define Business Organization Structure
02.05.00 Business Process Definition
02.05.01 Prepare for Business Process Workshops
02.05.02 Conduct Global Requirements Workshop
02.05.03 Conduct Business Process Workshops
02.05.04 Conduct Detailed Requirements Workshops
02.05.05 Complete Business Blueprint
02.05.06 Business Blueprint Review and Sign Off
02.05.07 Prepare End User Training Plan
02.06.00 Quality Check Business Blueprint Phase
02.06.01 Perform Quality Check and Obtain Approval
03.01.00 Project Management Realization Phase
03.01.01 Conduct Project Team Status Meetings
03.01.02 Conduct Steering Committee Meetings
03.01.03 Initial Planning for Production Support and Cutover
03.01.04 General Project Management
03.02.00 Project Team Training Realization Phase
03.02.01 Conduct Project Team Training
03.03.00 Baseline Configuration and Confirmation
03.03.01 Develop Plans for Baseline Configuration
03.03.02 Configure Initial Settings and Organizational Structure
03.03.03 Configure and Validate Baseline
03.03.04 Prepare Baseline Confirmation
03.03.05 Perform Baseline Confirmation
03.04.00 System Management
03.04.01 Develop System Test Plans
03.04.02 Define Service Level Commitment
03.04.03 Establish System Administration Functions
03.04.04 Set Up Quality Assurance Environment
03.04.05 Define Productive System Design
03.04.06 Define Productive System Management
03.04.07 Set Up Production Environment
03.05.00 Final Configuration and Confirmation
03.05.01 Develop Plans for Final Scope Configuration
03.05.02 Conduct Configuration Workshops (cycle 1-n)
03.05.03 Configure and Validate Final Scope (cycle 1-n)
03.05.04 Prepare Final Confirmation
03.05.05 Perform Final Confirmation
03.06.00 Develop Conversion Programs
03.06.01 Create Conversion Procedures
03.06.02 Test and Migrate Conversion Programs
03.07.00 Develop Application Interface Programs
03.07.01 Create Interface Programs
03.07.02 Test and Migrate Interface Programs
03.08.00 Develop Enhancements
03.08.01 Develop Enhancement Procedures
03.08.02 Test and Migrate Enhancement Programs
03.09.00 Create Reports
03.09.01 Create Report Procedures
03.09.02 Test Reports
03.10.00 Create Layout Sets
03.10.01 Create Layout Set Procedures
03.10.02 Test Layout Sets
03.11.00 Establish Authorization Concept
03.11.01 Create Authorization Detailed Design
03.11.02 Implement Authorization Concept
03.11.03 Validate Authorization Concept
03.12.00 Establish Archiving Management
03.12.01 Create Archiving Management
03.13.00 Final Integration Test
03.13.01 Determine Final Integration Test Plan
03.13.02 Conduct Final Integration Test
03.14.00 End User Documentation and Training Material
03.14.01 Prepare End User Documentation Development Plan
03.14.02 Create End User Documentation
03.14.03 Develop End User Training Materials
03.14.04 Prepare for End User Training
03.15.00 Quality Check Realization Phase
03.15.01 Conduct Quality Check and Obtain Approval
04.01.00 Project Management Final Preparation Phase
04.01.01 Conduct Project Team Status Meetings
04.01.02 Conduct Steering Committee Meetings
04.01.03 General Project Management
04.02.00 End User Training
04.02.01 Prepare for End User Training
04.02.02 Conduct End User Training
04.03.00 System Management
04.03.01 Establish Productive System Administration
04.03.02 Conduct System Tests
04.04.00 Detailed Project Planning
04.04.01 Refine Cut Over
04.04.02 Refine Production Support Plan
04.05.00 Cut Over
04.05.01 Perform Cut Over to Production System
04.05.02 Final Approval for Going Live
04.06.00 Quality Check Final Preparation Phase
04.06.01 Conduct Quality Check and Obtain Approval
05.01.00 Production Support
05.01.01 Provide Production Support
05.01.02 Validate Live Business Process Results
05.01.03 Optimize System Use
05.02.00 Post Go-Live Activities
05.02.01 Follow Up Training
05.02.02 Define Long Term Plans
05.02.03 Upgrade Live System Landscape
05.02.04 Perform On-Going System Operations
05.02.05 Project Review
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